Summary: One night , when Kazuki Muto is walking around his school's grounds. He sees a young high school girl trying to fight off a monster. Quickly Kazuki jumps into the fight , to save the girl, but gets stabbed in the heart by the monster and dies. The next morning Kazuki wakes up back in his school dorm thinking that last night was just a dream. Quickly Kazuki finds out that it was far from being a dream, and the only reason that he's alive is because the girl,Tokiko, that he saved last night put a machine called a Busou Renkin into his body as a replacement heart. Now with the Busou Renkin Kazuki is able to call forth a powerful lance , called the sunlight heart and help Tokiko in the fight against the Homunculi and their master.
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Number of Eps: 26
Number of seasons : 1
Storyline : 3/5
Voice acting: 3/5
Animation style: 3/5
Genres: Action , Comedy, Fantasy, School, Shounen, Supernatural
Rating: PG-13
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By Reina
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